Thursday, February 10, 2005


I cannot believe that we still have to hear about this damn fish! ARG!!! Ok, so here's what happened. I read through our church's newsletter last night and there happens to be a little paragraph about the "hero" fish who saved the school. Let me just give you some of the hightlights:

"...the fire fighting fish... died peacefully after a weeklong illness in her fish vase...she was well known for saving the school...she will be missed by all."

OMG! That's all that comes to mind. I am so pissed off that I can't even describe some of the emotions. First off, this fish is no hero. It was pure dumb luck (and the grace of God) that saved the school from burning down. If the candle wouldn't have been left burning in the first place... never mind. And I can tell you that she will not be missed by all. I thought we were finally to a point where we weren't going to hear any more about this thing, and then they go and print this. Well, I guess I can be happy that this should finally be the end of it.

This whole thing caused such an uproar when it happened that I think that is why I'm probably still bitter. If people would have just taken responsibility, or if they would have even thought about the rest of the staff that would have been a breakthrough. But no one seemed to care. Attention was focused on the unimportant, and it took away from the important. Its easy to say 'forgive and forget', but when something hurts someone close to you it makes it very difficult.

Ok, enough ranting. Just had to get that off my chest.


Blogger Erin J said...

We were going to call you when we heard about the fish. We got the newsletter too. I wanted Chad to call you guys all up in arms of why no one called him to let him know that she died. Well hopefully this will put an end to all the drama. (you know just as well as me, that it won't) So when are you guys going to come back and visit? We are on the trail of a house and took some time last Saturday just driving around to see what is out there. Hope you are staying warm in Minnesota.

7:09 AM  

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