Friday, April 21, 2006

What happens in the Techshop?

Every wonder what happens if you drop a laptop while its running? If you're really lucky it shatters into a hundred pieces. You will not however be able to get any of your data back. And yes, all of those tiny bits in the upper right are all that is left of this poor drive.

Other than that its been a pretty crazy week. We've had work orders like crazy. I guess it's that time of year when students and staff realize how important it is to have a working laptop. Go figure.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

40 days & nights

So how long is too long to be away from posting on your blog? 40 days (or close to it) sounds long enough. I could remind my gentle reader(s) that being the season of Lent I felt compelled to give something up (like blogging). Now with Easter approaching I can return to my blogging ways, much the same way Jesus returned... I better stop there before I get stoned for heresy. In truth, I've just been lazy. Maybe not entirely lazy, but there have been a lot of things going on, so updating this site hasn't always been on the forefront of my mind. With that in mind, a friend sent along a great little picture that I wish to share. Enjoy your weekend and I'm sure I'll have plenty to post in a couple of days.