Thursday, July 06, 2006

Great summertime drink

So some friends told me about a drink. When you read through the ingredients you will probably gag like I did, but trust me, it actually tastes really good. I can never remember the correct name of the drink; it’s either a Courthouse Cooler, or a Courtroom Cooler. Call it whatever you want, I call it delicious. Here's the info:

12oz can lemonade frozen concentrate (x1)
12oz beer (x4)

1. Empty the lemonade into a pitcher
2. Fill the empty lemonade container with brandy
3. Empty the brandy into the pitcher
4. Empty the 4 bottles of beer into the pitcher
5. Add ice
6. Mix together
7. Enjoy!

This is a great drink for a hot day, or a warm day, or a bad day, or even a good day. It's great everyday! I don't think that there's much of a different in the type of brandy or beer that you use. The one I had tasted had used Miller High Life from a can and it still tasted great!