Thursday, July 06, 2006

Great summertime drink

So some friends told me about a drink. When you read through the ingredients you will probably gag like I did, but trust me, it actually tastes really good. I can never remember the correct name of the drink; it’s either a Courthouse Cooler, or a Courtroom Cooler. Call it whatever you want, I call it delicious. Here's the info:

12oz can lemonade frozen concentrate (x1)
12oz beer (x4)

1. Empty the lemonade into a pitcher
2. Fill the empty lemonade container with brandy
3. Empty the brandy into the pitcher
4. Empty the 4 bottles of beer into the pitcher
5. Add ice
6. Mix together
7. Enjoy!

This is a great drink for a hot day, or a warm day, or a bad day, or even a good day. It's great everyday! I don't think that there's much of a different in the type of brandy or beer that you use. The one I had tasted had used Miller High Life from a can and it still tasted great!


Blogger Erin J said...

Just so you know, it is Courthouse Cooler. And it really doens't matter what brandy or beer you use. My sisters were drinking this the other day before they headed to summerfest and they both said that it was cool and refreshing on the warm day that it was. No baby yet, we will let you know when she arrives.


3:22 PM  
Blogger Kali said...

I make something similar but instead of brandy i use vodka or rum. It might have become my new favorite drink.

9:57 AM  

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