Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Where do they get all that money?

How does this happen? I mean if I had this kind of money lying around I know that I could find some better uses for it. I mean really, how do stupid people get so much money? This was taken from News of the Weird. Read on:

Things People Believe

(1) The sheriff in Tucson, Ariz., warned the public in August of a gang of women who lure horny men via newspaper ads into believing that they can buy a starring role in an adult video, citing the recent case of a man who was enticed to send $1,100 to set up a video shoot, then $7,000 more, then $8,000 more, and then another $8,000; he quit only when he learned that the women had persuaded his parents to pay $20,000 more for their son's "acting" career. (2) Lau Yat-fai, a 5-foot-9, 23-year-old basketball player in Hong Kong, paid the equivalent of about US$1,400 for electrical treatments from two "beauty centers" that had promised to make him tall. (After filing a lawsuit, he got a partial refund in October.) [Tucson Weekly, 8-26-04] [Associated Press, 10-8-04]

Monday, November 15, 2004

Monday Mornings

Everyone says the same thing, "I hate Monday mornings". Well, I have to say that they're really not as bad as some days. Here I sit in class because our professor talked non-stop about being 'on time' because we were going to watch a video and he is not 10 minutes late. I don't mind just sitting around doing nothing. It's not a great use of the time, but oh well. So far the days is going well and the fact that I don't have many classes is always a bonus.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Damn you Michigan! Ok... I forgive you because last year you got your butts handed to you by a bunch of kids from the land of cheese and beer. And, I can't completely blame you. After all it does take two people to dance and boy did it look like the Badgers showed up to the wrong dance! And I still have several friends in Michigan who I'd like to see get out alive so... nice game :)

Friday, November 12, 2004

What Lutheran Grade School Teachers really do during school. Posted by Hello

Elsa & I Posted by Hello

And we're off

So I've decided to take some time from work today and finally get into this whole blogging thing :) This came up because I was looking at websites and really wanted to have my own (www.mierow.com) but it seems that it has already been taken by someone who doesn't like to update their site. I next thought about a free site that I could create and make my own, but I realized that I don't have the time to make it work the way I'd like. So... tada - here I am. This seems easy enought and gives me the freedom to do some of the things that I'd like. Anywho... so with my own unique sense of style and humor I picked a name that suited me. We will see how long I keep this up. Wish me luck and go out and enjoy your weekend.