Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Music to my ears

Tonight we are going to have the choir from Mayer Lutheran High School singing for us at our Lenten supper. This is the beginning of their choir tour for this year. Elsa and I decided to host some choir members as a payback for all the times we were in choir. It's also kinda cool because Mayer is where I graduated from high school (way back in 1993). I was looking forward to it until last night when Elsa mentioned that we will be hosting 3 girls! I am planning on not seeing our bathroom tonight or tomorrow morning :) Keep the choir in your prayers not only for safe travels, but also that they are able to spread the Gospel through their talents.

Tonight TLO is also having a Board of Ed meeting. In fact, that is where Elsa is right now. I pray to God that they have a worthwhile discussion and are able to resolve and issues that may come up. I thought about attending the meeting myself, but I figured it is probably safer that I don't. I never know what might come out of my mouth and I'd rather not say something I'd regret. If I actually worked here, that would be a different story, so I'll just leave these battles up to Elsa for right now. If she comes out fine, then she can continue the fight, but the crap starts coming down and no one defends the teachers then I will be sure to make the next meeting. Aren't you just waiting with anticipation?

Not much else going on. I need to find a job so that we can buy a home and get out of our apartment. The apartment is nice, its just that they raised our rent $125/month. At this price we know we can find a townhome at least. In fact we're approved for a loan, it's just dependent upon me getting a job! Go figure. So the sooner I can get a job, then we can actually start looking at houses. I should get going before church starts. Adios!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Wonder Twin powers activate!

So once again the girls have gotten themselves into wonderful situation. This time they decided to put themselves up for auction at the school's fundraiser. Their auction item said that they would babysit for up to 2 families, 4-5 hours and have a pizza party with the kids. I thought it sounded pretty good myself so I opened the bid at $50. This got a good chuckle as well as some evil eyes from the girls themselves. I think in the end they went for $110. The auction went really well. I think the school raised $8,000+ by the end of it all. They're going to give 10% of whatever the final total ends up being to help with the tsunami efforts. The rest will go towards improvements for the school - namely the playground. The equipment is so old that it falling apart and is starting to become a hazard for the kids and probably a liability for the school. It amazes me how many people don't think about the different liability issues for the school. You would think that faculty and staff would see some of the issues more clearly, especially in light of how lawyer happy everyone is these days.

We played cards Friday night with Jill and Jay. We played a couple rounds of euchre and the girls won each time. They kept rubbing it in our faces, but we knew that we were off our game because we didn't have the Fat Kid with us :) If we had all three amigos together we would have kicked some ass, but I guess we'll have to wait until we get together with them again. Class is about to begin, so I guess I'll be off for now.