Monday, April 11, 2005

Weekend Update

Ah Monday - crap. That's all I have to say. I woke up this morning at 3am! For no good reason at all. My body just decided that it's going to screw with me and wake me up at 3am and not want to go back to sleep. I finally did fall asleep around 5:15, but by then what's the stinking point!

Anywho... the weekend was pretty good. Elsa and Jill got back Saturday around 6pm and we all went out to Applebee's for dinner. They were in Indianapolis for the LEA Convention since Thursday. It was nice to have Elsa home again :) I spent Saturday morning cleaning up the apartment, and then Jay and I played our first game of Axis & Allies. All I can say is - awsome! Let me backtrack to Saturday night the week before. We were over at Jay & Jill's place for dinner and a game of cards. We about to pick a card game when Jill mentioned that we could choose a board game if we wanted to do something different. Jay mentioned playing Risk and the girls actually went along with it. So the 4 of us played a game of Risk and the boys got their butts handed to them by female world domination. Jay and I were talking about other strategy games and Axis & Allies came up. Neither of us had played, but we both heard that it was a great game. I went out and bought it and we ended up playing on Saturday. We didn't read the rules all to closely for our first game and it took us about 5 hours as we made things up, and searched the rule book and generally took our own sweet time to figure out what was all happening. Jay took the Axis power (Germany & Japan) and that left me with the Allies (Russia, U.K. & USA). Needless to say, and much to my disappointment the Axis powers won this time around. You just wait Jay! This Saturday your doom awaits!

Yesterday was pretty good as well. We slept in and went to late service. Got home, had lunch, and we both fell asleep on the couches. We woke up in time to get ready for our small group bible study. That was a lot of fun. We met Dave and Amy Wenthe, and some really good discussions about prayer. Over all, not too bad of a weekend in my book. Now we're back to Monday. The day is almost over for me so I can't complain too much about it. Except for trying to get my butt out of bed this morning, its actually been a good day so far. We get to grill out at Mom & Dad's for dinner tonight and hopefully (for the love of God) finish our taxes :)


Blogger Erin J said...

Well the "Fat Kid" wants you to know that he is now 10lbs lighter. I'm starting to worry about you two and not knowing what to do without him around. I guess that means that you should just move down here.

4:47 PM  

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