Monday, May 09, 2005


So half the class is sitting outside of our classroom waiting for the first final of the day to begin. That was supposed to be 20 minutes ago. It looks like the prof had the dates mixed up and our final isn't supposed to be until tomorrow morning. I am not waking up at 5am again tomorrow to take this final. Arg! It would figure that our class would get screwed at the end like this. Its happened a couple of times it seems like, so why not end the semester the same way. I can understand mistakes, they happen to all of us, so I'm not mad at the prof, I just was expecting to get this out of the way right now. My plans are already set for what I'm doing and where I'll be tomorrow morning. Hopefully since it's all online, he'll just post the final, put on a time limit and let us do it when we get the chance. Well, if I'm going to be sittin and waiting, I guess I can get some more studying in. Adios.


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